Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bollywood intellectuals

Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar were recently seen on Television trying to convince us that the horrible nauseating movies they churn out in Bollywood is truly 'Indian' in content and that if International audiences could not consider our 'proud' fraternity of Indian movie makers for an Oscar - 'who cares'?

Are these guys that dumb? Do they not realize that our movies are really bad? If they claim our movies are not appreciated by International audiences because of some cultural differences - why do 80 percent Bollywood movies flop in India itself?

It is high time these big shots of Bollywood looked at themselves and figured out what's wrong. Nothing is wrong with the world! Why don't you guys find good stories and scripts in the first place?

Why don't you pay the writers decent sums of money instead of taking crores for your lousy act? Why don't you employ intelligent young creative people to write screen plays? Why don't you guys take some time off and try to learn the art of film making? And as for SRK - why don't you learn how to 'act normal' - instead of always stuttering, making funny noises and trying to make juvenile jokes?

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